Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why I started and Why You should too.

Blogging was always something that I wanted to do and so one drunk new year’s eve I told my friends I want to be a part of something meaningful. When asked what ? It was clear to me I wanted to blog.

I am glad I took onto blogging as it helped me become something I was wishing to be for a long time. How many of you have wished to do something? Be someone? But never really come around to it? I have. I had these ideas these opinions bottled up but yet due to the fear of being judged I never let them out. Yet I have failed to realize that along with the people who criticize me there are always going to be some who get inspired.  Slowly but surely I realized that if you talk about your dream long enough you will come around to doing it. In my journey to blogging I met with many bumps that made me so much more open, confident and today I can deliver a piece of writing that is worth reading. I never did well in my high school partly because I was always to ashamed to accept my flaws. Today, I can write my heart off and accept that my writing is not all that great but the message behind it is.

The whole point of talking about why I blogged is to bring something to light. That something being I may have been hungry to be a part of something big or small or just something, what stopped me from being all that I can be was I. There are so many of us talented and eager to perform, and yet we look around for acceptance.  STOP THERE. Come to realise People will despise you for doing something but they will also despise you for doing nothing. It is better do something, go somewhere and be judged than have nothing to show for yourself. You may doubt my credibility because what am I ? who am I? but before doubting anyone here is a question to you. When was the last time you did something that pleased your soul  whilst leaving judgement of the world behind?


  1. There should be a like button for your blogs you know :)
    I totally agree with what your messages have been saying. All of them.

    About this one, it is a really great thing to be able to come out and do things for your own sake, not to please others but only yourself. Also in the process doing some great work..being part of that SOMETHING :)

  2. Suman it means so much that you can relate to my posts and you take the time to read it. Thank you so mych for the support and yes i agree there should be a like button! comments like these make my day :)

  3. Loved it :)
    Why didn't I come across these articles before?
    I only found this somehow today and I've read nearly all of it, I've always wanted to blog myself but for some reason I never did, could totally relate to all what you've written

    1. You should definately start. It is perhaps the most fullfilling thing I have done so far. What is stopping you ? You should start <3 thank you for the read :) means a lot

    2. You should definately start. It is perhaps the most fullfilling thing I have done so far. What is stopping you ? You should start <3 thank you for the read :) means a lot

    3. "There are so many of us talented and eager to perform, and yet we look around for acceptance".

      This is it. Maybe that's what stopped me for so long, but that night While I was reading your blog, I knew I wanted to start :) and now that I have; I want to thank you Ayushree :)
      You inspire me! Believe me when I say this you do <3

  4. A blog from the heart. Great going Ayushree! <3
